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Example Java and JUnit 5 consumer project

Source Code​

This example project has a consumer stub for the area calculator service call and exercises it in a Pact test. The test is written in Java and JUnit 5. It tests the following interaction from the proto file:

  rpc calculate (ShapeMessage) returns (AreaResponse) {}

gRPC plugin​

To run the test in this project, it requires the gRPC plugin to be installed. See the documentation on that plugin.

Generated gRPC stub​

The gRPC stub and Java classes are automatically generated using the Protobuf Gradle plugin.

Test class​

The test class PactConsumerTest first sets up the interaction using the Pact DSL, then during the test method receives a gRPC mock server to use. The generated stub classes are then used to send the ShapeMessage to the mock server, and an AreaResponse message is received back. This is then validated.