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CSV Plugin prototype

Source Code​

This is an example plugin supporting creating and matching comma-separated value text payloads.

Building the plugin​

The plugin is built with Rust. Just run cargo build --release. This will create the plugin binary file pact-plugin-csv in the target/release/ directory.

Installing the plugin​

The plugin binary and manifest file pact-plugin.json need to be copied into the $HOME/.pact/plugins/csv-0.0.1 directory. You can download those from the release for the plugin.

Running with a development version of the plugin​

If you build the plugin without the --release, this will create a debug version in the target/debug directory. Copy the manifest file pact-plugin.json into the $HOME/.pact/plugins/csv-0.0.1 directory. If you then edit that file, and set the entryPoint to the absolute path of the pact-plugin-csv binary in target/debug, you can then make changes to the plugin, build it, and then all test projects will use that version.

Example Projects​

There are three example projects in examples/csv that use this plugin:

  • csv-consumer-jvm - consumer written in Java
  • csv-consumer-rust - consumer written in Rust
  • csv-provider - provider written in Rust

CSV matching definitions​

The plugin matches the columns of the CSV data using matching rule definitions. The columns can be specified by header (if the CSV has a header row) or by index (starting with 1).

Using the CSV from the example projects, it has 3 columns: Name, Number and Date. The matching rules can be specified by (in pseudo config)

If using headers:

"response.contents": {
"pact:content-type": "text/csv", // Set the content type to CSV
"csvHeaders": true, // We have a header row
"column:Name": "matching(type,'Name')", // Column with header Name must match by type (which is actually useless with CSV)
"column:Number", "matching(number,100)", // Column with header Number must match a number format
"column:Date", "matching(datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd','2000-01-01')" // Column with header Date must match an ISO format yyyy-MM-dd

Without headers:

"response.contents": {
"pact:content-type": "text/csv",
"csvHeaders": false,
"column:1": "matching(type,'Name')",
"column:2": "matching(number,100)",
"column:3": "matching(datetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd','2000-01-01')"